Monday, April 9, 2012


China produces 95% of the rare earth elements, why can't we?

The Lynas factory issue remains unresolved despite the numerous explanation that has been given together with scientific proven evidence, complete with the approval of the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which confirmed that the plant is safe.

Parties who opposed the Lynas plant seem to be ignorant of the fact that even the IAEA has approved this plant. I would like to highlight how arrogant is the opposition. Some time ago, the opposition was invited to visit the Lynas plant, but they rejected it without even giving a proper explanation.

Another very interesting point is this, why until now the anti-Lynas group has not brought the Lynas issue to court and ask for an injunction to stop the operation?  

Because they know, once a plant obtains approval from the IAEA, which is the highest international body in terms of atomic and nuclear power regulatory, it is proven that it will have to go through all the rigorous inspection and safety checks before starting operation.  

The Anti-Lynas group seems more comfortable in making noises on the street, making large-scale demonstration and continues to lie to the public that the Lynas plant contains high level of radioactive contamination risk, especially to the Chinese Media.  

The question is what is the underlying motive of their opposition to the Lynas plant? To understand this motive, we must first know who they really are.

Lynas opponents, who masked themselves as environmentalists are actually from the opposition, particularly DAP. This is because, there are some people in the party also took the same stand with DAP and refused to accept the scientific explanation from the parties concerned. In addition to the MCA and DAP, PKR also plays an important role in this issue as they try to gauge the support of the Rakyat and create momentum for the coming General Election.

But, why are the Chinese are so eager to oppose Lynas as compared to other races?

Why is Lim Guan Eng himself proudly stated that the Chinese are united on the Lynas issue? Why?

Is it because they are protecting China?

China is currently the largest producer of rare earth supply (95% - 97%) of the world needs. With the construction of Lynas plant in Malaysia, the dominance of rare earth production by China will split and this is a problem for the Chinese.

It is possible the movement of affiliation between the parties in China with the Chinese in Malaysia to ensure that the interests of China is defended. To ensure this goal is achieved, the Chinese have agreed to stop the Lynas from operating in any way whatsoever.

Logically, if the rare earth processing plant so dangerous, why is China a major producer did not have any problem either in protest or radioactive disaster for this?

Similarly, Australia, France, India, America and Russia also have the same factory in their country, and never experienced any problems caused by the rare earth processing plant. In fact, the objection of the population is not heard off.

I am sure the Barisan Nasional leaders are not so stupid in wanting to lose public support by approving the Lynas plant, especially when the election is just around the corner. However, the leadership should ensure all stake holders are consulted and public explanation is done extensively. This is to prevent the opposition from giving false information to the rakyat in general, and the people of kuantan in particular


  1. Spinning statement. I can also say that BN is in cooprleration with USA and Israel to fight aainst China! Really stupi!

  2. teori remains teori. cakap byk xguna Kabir....

  3. hahahha kabir dah jadi pakar konspirasi hahaha tapi apa yang kabir tulis tu ada faktanya jugak, apakah tujuan golongan anti lynas? alam sekitar? kalau alam sekitar kenapa lge bagi kilang solar yang menggunakan gas beracun(kali terkahir saya periksa, sebaran secara beruda adalah lebih berbahaya dari fizikal)

    apakah sebenarnya matlamat mereka? tidak boleh lynas di pahang tpai boleh gas beracun di penang?

  4. Loji tahi bintang kat Australia sana wow hebat, kalau tak caya mai kita tengok macam mana depa proses tahi bintang tu kat sini. . Orang lain dok pikiq ke depan.. mai kita tengok kereta cardilac power dia boleh tahan sampai 100 tahun tak payah pakai petrol ...

    Pasal apa depa dok curi tantalum kat Penang. Pelik betui mai kot mana tantalum kat penang ni, depa dok timbus merata tempat di Penang, tak takut ka hangpa ada radioaktif semulajadi? tercemar ayaq kat bawah tanah.. dok pi kot sungai, pi rata-rata, jom kita lari... apa ka benda tantalum tu, depa kata ada kena mengena dengan tahi bijih timah, dulu-dulu orang putih dok proses bijih timah kat Penang, saki baki yang ada bahan radioaktif termasuk tantalum depa dok taboq tang mana? Hang pa nak tau cuba pi website ni,
    lagi kat sini, . banyak lagi hangpa cari sendiri la no. Jom kita pindah ... takut la.. dah lebih 100 tahun dah dok kat situ ... nampak sihat ... siap makan nasi kandar lagi, agaknya pakai ayaq apa? Jom kita bersihkan..

    Kita ambil contoh bagi mereka yang suka makan pisang, di di dalam pisang pun terdapat bahan radioaktif semulajadi, malah masuk terus di dalam perut kita, saya pun ingin bertanya kenapa setakat ini saya nampak OK atau mungkin tahap radioaktif semula jadi di dalam pisang itu di bawah tahap yang dibolehkan ataupun badan kita juga memerlukan bahan radioaktif semulajadi. Bagi mereka merokok juga, di dalam tembakau pun terdapat bahan radioaktif semulajadi.
    Buat camna suka makan pisang, tapi pisang ada bahan radioaktif semulajadi? Camana pula dengan nasi kandar kat penang? Depa pakai ayaq apa..

  5. [url=]OcsLdJel[/url] , fkgnWDHqUVZpheW ,
